Busy Bee Action Day, Plant Dig & sale
1:30 pm13:30

Busy Bee Action Day, Plant Dig & sale

You are invited to come and join us at the Bee Garden in Botanika.

Botanika’s Bee Garden started in April 2019 with Fiona Hampton and many wonderful volunteers. We are aiming to expand Botanika’s Bee Garden even further. The focus is to create a nectar rich haven for butterflies, bees and insects with our pollinating friendly plants. We also want to increase public awareness of the needs of our pollinators and to demonstrate how anyone can make their space more bee friendly.

We will be working on the following:

  • We will be talking about the pollinating plants that have been planted in the Bee garden.

  • Our Bee keeper Christian Schaus will give you a tour of his bee hives and explain the life of our bees.

  • ·Dividing and planting perennials in the new designated areas

  • Our perennial plants will be on sale to dig up and take home so bring some bags to put them in.

Please contact us to let us know whether you are coming send an email to sales@botanika.lu to confirm.We will send you instructions on how to get to the field. Don’t forget to wear warm waterproof clothing if it is cold, boots, gardening gloves and if you have a fork and a trowel please bring them.

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Workshop Botanika
10:00 am10:00

Workshop Botanika

Dans le cadre de son projet Polynatur, qui met à l’honneur les pollinisateurs sauvages, CELL organise un atelier chez Kate de @botanika.lu, productrice de fleurs en permaculture au Luxembourg. Sur le terrain, nous apprendrons la culture des fleurs indigènes, et récolterons des semences adaptées au climat du Luxembourg. Nous aurons aussi l’occasion de soutenir ce projet écologique en mettant les mains dans la terre ! Il est possible de participer toute la journée, ou seulement l’après-midi.

10h – 12h30 : Chantier participatif dans le champ de Botanika
12h30 – 13h30 : Pique-nique
13h30 – 14h : Visite du jardin
14h – 16h30 : Workshop et récolte de semences avec Frank Adams de SEED asbl et le réseau de semences citoyennes

Infos pratiques
Le workshop est gratuit et sera donné en anglais (sauf si tous les participants parlent français). Amenez un pique-nique à partager, ainsi que des chaussures et des vêtements adaptés au travail extérieur.
Samedi 5 octobre 2024
Adresse : Bickeltchen, L-8373 Hobscheid Luxembourg
Inscriptions : envoyer un mail à eisegaart@cell.lu (en précisant si vous comptez venir toute la journée ou seulement pour l’un des ateliers)

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Subtile Gallery Creator's Market
to 10 Dec

Subtile Gallery Creator's Market

In collaboration with the Subtile Gallery in Luxembourg, Botanika will be selling our products until 10th December 2023.

Opening Hours are as follows:

30th November 17h - 21h

1st - 2nd December 11h - 18h

3rd December 13h - 17h

7th, 8th, 9th December 11h - 18h

10th December 13h - 17h

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