REF:98.01 ‘primula vulgaris’
primroses (mixed colours)
flower petals can be scattered over salads, cakes. add to pancakes. a great spring cocktail to change the mood.
60.01 ‘asteraceae’
bellis perennis
The young leaves and flowers can be tossed into a salad.beautiful on cakes.
REF:93.1 ‘Viola tricolor var. hortensis’
wild pansy
pansy flowers can be scattered over salads, desserts, roll out into biscuits
REF:25.01 ‘Viola tricolor’
viola (mixed colours)
flower petals can be scattered over salads, cakes. add to pancakes.
seasonal mixed flower box
wild violets
beautiful crystallized, great in vodka !
REF:6.03 ‘borago officinalis’
Borage (blue)
flowers can be used in drinks and salads. Young leaves can be used in salads, soups or pesto.
REF:6.04 ‘borago officinalis’
Borage (white or mixed)
flowers can be used in drinks and salads. Young leaves can be used in salads, soups or pesto.
seasonal mixed herb box
(6 pieces*50g )
REF:25.01 ‘coriandrum sativum’
great added to spicy dishes.
REF:106.01 ‘achillea millefolium’
yarrow leaves
leaves can be added to salads in the spring
REF:6.01 ‘Allium Schoenp’
flowers and leaves are great Added to salads, egg and cheese dishes.great in a dressing over the winter period freeze small ice cubes of chives in olive oil.
REF:95.01 ‘Salvia’
leaves can be fried in olive oil ‘crispy sage’. great tea infusion.
REF:96.01 ‘Salvia’
leaves can be fried in olive oil ‘crispy sage’. great tea infusion.
wild garlic leaves
a powerful punch.. makes the most amazing pesto!!
REF:65.01 ‘myrrhis odorata’
sweet cicely
leaves,roots, flowers and seeds, are all edible. The leaves have a natural sweet aniseed flavour, great with fish and fruit dishes.
REF:94.01 ‘Rosamarinus officinalis’
excellent to flavour salt. use leaves and stalks in roasts.
winter purslane
great crunchy texture, plus pretty flowers:)
REF:15.01 ‘calendula officinalis’
dried calendula petals
flower petals can be scattered over salads, cakes. add to pasta dough or cocktails.
REF:21.01 ‘centaurea cyanus’
dried mixed cornflowers petals
flower petals can be scattered over salads, cakes. add a spicy tone to rice, pancakes or in summer drinks.
REF:22.01 ‘centaurea cyanus’
dried mixed cornflowers petals
flower petals can be scattered over salads, cakes. add a spicy tone to rice, pancakes or in summer drinks.
dried seasonal mixed petals
flower petals can be scattered over salads, cakes. add a spicy tone to rice, pancakes or in summer drinks.
flower confetti
botanika cones pack of 10
making that moment extra special for you.. filled with flowerfetti :)